Tuesday, October 11, 2011

#9. Garbage Graphics Monsters

Here is a misconception that MUST be focused on.

We are all familiar with the widespread Internet pornography viewed by some men and boys. But when was the last time you heard about the teenagers who build the websites that market such garbage? It couldnt benot teenagers! Yes, teenagers!

Encourage your pastor to warn your congregation from behind the pulpit that there are no computer filters, nor schemes that completely make any personal computer Internet-safe. An issue of Consumers Reports gave a blistering presentation about the ineffectiveness of computer Internet filters.

The unbiased testing of Consumers Reports placed the top ten smut filters as being from 85% to 10% effective. The biggest difficulty encountered in the study was defining exactly what is ‘obscene’. How can a mechanical or software filter be created that would be smart enough to block out pictures of an aborted fetus?

Microprocessors and hard drives have no ability to make wholesome judgments for us. But with the aid of the Internet and repetition, our values – our judgments of what is positive for us, becomes more clouded and diminished at the good pleasure of the prince of this world – Satan.

Though Internet garbage graphics are not aimed just at men and boys – they should, however, be leaders among their peers with God-honoring actions.